Wednesday, September 30, 2009
It's been a long time!
1) I didn't have Internet with me on vacation
2) my blog sucks
3)nobody ever reads it and anyways I wouldn't know what to write about.
Like now. LOL x)
I would like to talk you about how I spent my summer, what I've done... but since this is Internet and ANYBODY could read all my shit I better not talk about it. Ohh I ain't done something bad, horrible, cruel or whatever. I'm a good girl ;-)
I just met somebody who really made me understand that perfection exists. Not directly. :-)
bye I love you whoever you are :D
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I need this.
Friday, June 26, 2009
While I was trying to sleep, Lino (my brother) pops into my room and says "Claudia... Michael Jackson... is dead". Then I have like.. a heart attack. But not a real one. Something comes up there, inside myself. Actually, he dead for a heart attack. A real one.
I get up and follow him into the kitchen, where the television is already talking about him. I open up Facebook page, and I see already a lotta "Michael"..."Michael"... I couldn't believe it.
The King of pop is dead. There'll not be another.
I don't understand how some people don't care about him. It's just ignorance, I guess. I remember when I was little and the Pope died, I didn't cry. I barely knew his name! Everybody cried! I didn't cry today. I usually never cry... but I was really sad. And still, I am.
The whole world is dead tonight, Michael. We love you. We'll miss you. The world has lost his greatest star. Pop has lost his King. Nobody can ever replace you.
Goodbye Michael.
Take care.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I feel kinda disappointed
I love Shia LaBeouf. He's my favourite young actor (there's the Fresh Prince first) and I also think he's pretty hot. Talking 'bout style... well, these clothes they gave him are amazing. On those paparazzi pics I can see he's not a fashionista but whatever, his shirts and tees are really nice.
So, I'm not gonna talk about this right now. I was bullshitting on (I just love doing it) and selected the category Shia LaBeouf. Maybe I'm pretty late with this but whatever.
"Probably the sexiest woman I know is my mother," he says. "She's an ethereal angel. Nobody looks like that woman. If I could meet my mother and marry her, I would. I would be with my mother now, if she weren't my mother, as sick as that sounds."
It actually does sound REALLY sick, Shia.
We recommend spending that Transformer money on some therapy.
LMAO! That's true, actually.
During a recent interview with Playboy mag, the 22-year-old opens up about his life and even talks about when he lost his virginity.
What??? A former Disney star having sex???
"I was shaking in my boots. Getting naked was very strange. It was the first time I'd been naked in the light, in front of a girl, with no hiding place."
And straight from a shitty porn movie, he tried to spice things up by placing a pillow underneath the girl.
He adds, "I remember putting a pillow underneath her because I had seen that in a porn movie…[It] put her at a weird angle, where I couldn't get in correctly. I'm not extremely well-endowed … and clearly this wasn't the move."
Uhm, how much is not well-endowed?
Whatever. Well-endowed or not. I don't even know what that means, but I figured out, I guess (duh).
Actually I don't understand why celebrities talk about their first time or things like that. And plus, why on Earth should we care? Even if that's Shia LaBeouf's first time.
I'd be curious about Kanye's. ^.^
Don't you worry, honey, I still love you and you'll remain the person I thought you were to me.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Random Thoughts
-I just wanna begin and finish these fucking exams. I'm supposed to be already on vacation since it's June, and I'm not used to study on the 13th of June! Technically, I'm not really studing.. 'cause it's not normal for me! Aaaww... I don't give a fuck if I get something like 7, which
would be a D, I just wanna get rid of exams and go to Rome to breathe some good and fashionable air. Then I'll go to high school, which... which isn't cool. I'm motherfucking scared 'cause I'm going to learn ancient greek *big grin* and other unuseful subjects. As Nigel from "The Devil Wears Prada" says (God bless him) <Yes, because that's really what this whole multibillion-dollar industry is all about, isn't it? Inner beauty>. And that's my philosophy, but my parents and my brother don't seem to think the same. Actually, maybe that would be useful in terms of... ah, dunno.
-I don't understand fat people. I mean, obese ones. Lot of them would be hot if they were skinny.
Now I'm on diet because "fashion is the healties motivation for losing weight" (Karl Lagerfeld).
-I thought that if I won't become a stylist I could just be a really famous and rich something, just to be able to buy all the clothes, bags and shoes I want. It would be cool anyway, I guess.
-In this period I really like Michael Jackson. I think he's my favourite singer. Kanye is just my favourite rapper and my favourite everything. But, if Kanye is a singer... well we have a serious problem then.
-When I grow up I wanna work in a cinema. Then in a Louis store.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I LOVE and I WANT this belt!
I love it since the first time I saw it. I'd rock it at my birthday. BTW, my birthday is in november, and I'm already thinking 'bout it. I know it's ridiculous. But I got some cool plans: going to Milan with my brother as I did in March for John's concert. That was really fun, and it'll be even funnier on my birthday!
I know I'll never ever get this belt, but if I find a plain black belt and some silver studs I could create it myself! That would be like my first creation! =)
Monday, May 18, 2009
I like the "new/old" Kanye, but anyway I thought he looked great with longer hair. Apart that weird thing on his neck... Whatever, he's still Kanye :)

It's pretty ridiculous if you think about it.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Accessories: How To Spot A Fake Louis Vuitton Bag
Whatever, which one of these do you think is better?

I'm most likely getting the "Louie", because it costs less than the Gucci one lol. But I think they're both beautiful! Still... my mom literally hates Louis Vuitton. Don't know why :/

This are the bags from the new collection Monogram Multicolor by Murakami, instead. The first one is the Beverly, and the second one is the Claudia! LOL :)
They're cute, but even if I was rich as hell and could afford all types of bags I want, I would never ever buy a Monogram Multicolor. When I was little I remember everybody used to wear those fake Monogram Multicolors and I think I've been traumatized by that.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Not bad, I guess...
Saturday, May 2, 2009
2008 has been a great year, but 2009 seems even better... I mean: Milan, John Legend, tennis championships and Roger Federer... just in two months, which is not a long time. I don't think something cool's gonna happen in May and June, since I have to study for my final exams and my mom doesn't want me to get any holiday. I wanted to go to Paris in July but you know, with the swine flu is not a good idea. But.. I can't wait to go shopping there! =(
This is the best pic I took of Roger. You can see I was pretty close to him. I zoomed it, anyway. I took about 30 pics of him, but this is the most beautiful!
Whatever, now I just wanna bullshit a little bit and make a wish list of things I desire. You know, it's really fun =)
Louis Vuitton Speedy 25 - My mom will probably buy me one after my final exams. Isn't it amazing? I thought I'd have my first "Louie" like at 18. Look at it, isn't it cute and ridiculous?
Ray Ban Clubmasters - I just LOVE 'em! They're gonna be the new trend, the new Wayfarers. My dad said I don't look good with them but he said the same thing when he first saw me with Wayfarers. And guess what? He bought 'em.

Burberry Swimsuit - It's been like... 3 years since my mom first told me "I wanna buy you a Burberry swimsuit". I still don't have one.

Alexander McQueen Leggings - Well, surely I'm not getting a pair of McQueen's, but I want something like that. The point is, I don't know where I could put them.

Louis Vuitton Pochette Accessories (Stephen Sprouse tribute collection) - Ok, you see it in my wish list, and there it'll remain.

Ripped Shorts - I have no idea what the brand is, I just took this picture from Sea Of Shoes ( But that's exactly what I'm looking for: a pair of high waisted ripped shorts!

Levi's Jean Jacket - I'm mad at people. Now that I want a jean jacket everybody's wearing it. I mean, isn't it supposed to be unfashionable? WTF! I'm joking, it isn't unfashionable right now. But people isn't supposed to know it!

M.I.A. Leggings - Oooh here they go! When I first saw them I fell in love. They're available on M.I.A. website. I took that pic (the girl one) from, from a Coachella style report or something. The girl is reeeeally fresh, by the way. Her t-shirt is also M.I.A.'s.
Since I'm able to get those leggings on Internet I'm still wondering wheter I'm really gonna get a pair before 2010's end.

Novak Djokovic T-Shirt - LOL. Novak is another tennis player who won the championships last year. Of course I didn't even know who he was when I saw his match in Rome, and now I love him. Systematic. But hey, I cheered for him! And luckily took some random pics.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I thought, let's post this shame on my blog.
The sound of wasted opportunity. On paper, this is the craziest song of the decade: the greatest rappers of the moment, a sample like manna from heaven, and Mr. West on the beat. Oh, well.
Maybe it's just me that I'm stupid, but really seems like that's a perfect song. They also said it. Actually, I love it. Now, why is it first and "Drunk And Hot Girls" on 8th position?
Oh, and look at this, it really made me laugh. That's the top 10 of his best songs. (I'll miss some of the descriptions)
1. "Jesus Walks"
Well... I'm definetely NOT ok with that. His best song is surely "Through The Wire". "Stronger", at least. But people talk about "Jesus Walks" as a master piece or something, but I've listened to it like 3 times. It surely got a good lyrics but...
2. "This Can't Be Life" (Jay-Z ft. Beanie Sigel and Scarface)
Don't even know who Beanie Sigel is. Scarface is a movie, btw.
3. "Through The Wire"
Well, at least it is in the top 3.
4. "Guess Who's Back" (Scarface ft. Jay-Z and Beanie Sigel)
Still those two I don't even know.
5. "You Don't Know My Name" (Alicia Keys)
Absolutely fabulous! :)
6. "Takeover" (Jay-Z)
7. "Gold Digger"
I agree with this. I LOVE this song!
8. "Say You Will"
The inverse of "Gold Digger". Spare, long, difficult and ethereal, [...]
EXACTLY! So why the hell is it 8th?? It's the only song I don't like of 808's! This guys must be stupid. Get you a job.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
He's rockin' that thing like...ooh ooh ooh ooh...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire

First of all: vampires don't exist. Second: vampires are too goth/emo for me, I hate them (why shall I like 'em? They suck blood. Eww, disgusting). Third: Edward (the "hot" vamp) doesn't even like Bella (the stupid girl), he just wants her blood. I mean, bite her then don't you bother us anymore! You'll live happily ever after!
...People (I mean, GIRLS) are like "OMG how could you? Twilight is amazing! It's a great story! Edward is beautiful!" with me, and I'm like "Yeah sure..." just to chill 'em out.
Umm... I was talking about Slumdog Millionaire. So, the movie is awesome, so do the soundtrack! The final song, Jai Ho, is just amazing! It makes me wanna dance and sing everytime I hear it! I'm already learning the dancing LOL! There is the original version of Jai Ho (don't really know what language is that...I guess Hindi or something) and the one by The Pussycat Dolls which is groovy aswell! The lyrics is beautiful! (There's one thing that gets on my nerves: I mean, Pussycats, why don't you just pronunce "Jai" as "Jai" and not as "Jay"? LOL it's terrible to hear!)
I'm thinking about marrying Dev Patel, the starring. LOL! C'mon... he's nice! If it wasn't for the ears... :/ ...maybe he'll make a surgery or something now that he's rich, but he's ok anyway. :)
He is the 5th of my list "My Potential Husbands" on Facebook. My bro said that among Kanye, Shia, Indio Downey and A-Trak he must be the politest. LOL that might be true! I'm enjoying so much this new Facebook application, LivingSocial, where you make a top 5 of any shit. Like, Top 5 Actors, singers, gadgets, fashion brands, food, Top 5 Hottest Males, etc.

Sunday, April 12, 2009
I'm late, but still... aawww =)
"Hey people.
I’m sitting in my hotel room in Amsterdam, getting ready to fly to the Philippines in a few hours. I’m reflecting on a very successful European tour. I was in Italy the last few days. I love Italy. The people are lovely and there is great shopping, some beautiful scenery and interesting architecture everywhere you look. But, more than anything, I love the food. I know I’ve been getting a little skinnier lately (on purpose, by the way!), but I’m sure I added a few pounds in Italy and I loved every minute of it. Pasta, pizza, steak, tiramisu, mmmmmmmm…
I met soccer superstar David Beckham at my show in Milan. He’s a fan and he was really cool…I’m very much looking forward to going to Asia. My shows are pretty spread out in this part of the tour. So I have days off to be a tourist. I’ll tryto take in some of the sights in South Korea, Japan and China. I’ll keep you posted with updates.
Peace & love,
This was on John Legend's blog. Aaww, isn't it too sweet? =) I'm so proud!
And... David Beckham? Two sex beasts in the same room as me?? Cool. Where was he at? I haven't seen him. Umph. Well, I honestly don't give a fuck about Beckham but he's still a vip LOL! So I could've been like "I went to John Legend concert and there was even David Beckham!" with my friends. Just to read the envy in their eyes... aaahhh... XD
Really John doesn't seem that "sex beast" in the pic with Becky (LOL) but, trust me, he is. I wonder wheter he remembers my face or not. Mmm... most likely not. Teehee... =)
I wonder if he even remembers the face of Cristina, the girl he danced with on Slow Dance. I added her on Facebook! ^.^
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Blame it on the ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-horrible...
In love... <3
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Gay Fish... =(
All I have to say is: fuck. But the part where he writes on the board is funny. He's really a genius.
-Kanye really...
-SHUT UP! Alright, now what do we know about fishsticks? They're breaded, they're fried, they're frozen... Then under me we have rapper, geeeenius... And gay fish are homosexual, they swim... Is it because breaded has something to do with..genius!..which swims?
-No it's because you said you like fishsticks, Kanye, don't you get it?
Monday, April 6, 2009
Oh Man...!
This guys raps something then Jeezy gives him a pair of Yeezy's? I'd be fucked up. I don't even know who Young Jeezy is. The only thing I can say is "I put on for my city, on, on for my city". What about the size? My feet don't even reach 5 1/2, I guess...
Sunday, April 5, 2009
bla bla bla...
Shopping would help this... I'd love to work, so I'd earn money and buy me Louis bags and awesome shoes! Wouldn't that be amazing? ... No, okay, maybe it wouldn't help that much. Shopping apparently helps, but after few hours or less the excitement that it gives you fades away, then you want to buy something else! Well, of course, depends on what you've bought.
But whatever, I wanna talk to you about Sea of Shoes. It's an awesome blog of a 16-year-old girl called Jane Aldridge. I really have no idea, but maybe you've heard this name before. I didn't. I was like, this girl is actually nobody, so how the fuck can she afford all that awesome stuff? Margiela, Demeulemeester, Givenchy... O.O...

I've found this blog just because Kanye once posted it on his blog... well kinda. He said "PEEP THIS 16 YEAR OLDS BLOG FROM TEXAS! WHOOOA!!!" lmao! I wanna be a blogger like her! Being famous, have cool clothes... You never know what could happen in your life, it may become true. But still I gotta know wtf she is. A singer, an actress, or just a rich girl. I added her as friend on Facebook, and she accepted my request :) I told her shits like "You are now one of my style icons!" which is true. She's my style icon after Yeezy, Agyness, Mary-Kate (and/or Ashley), Rachel Bilson, Samantha Bradshaw and me.

You see? That's what the pic he'll send me someday by e-mail looks like. :)
Actually now my blog sucks because there's nothing exciting in my life to post about, nor have I awesome clothes to show.
(Kanye seems so busy with his job but actually I think he has got nothing to do because he bullshits all day on the Internet... lol)
By the way... I'd love to wear some of this clothes once.. dunno, to a runway, or a party or just to hang around Manatthan or Paris.

These were just the most decent pics I could've find... I'm totally in love with this collection. Marc Jacobs is my god! These are the little big things that make me love fashion even more than I already do... So this passion now is veeeeeeeeeeery big! But these things also make me think I'll never be like those great stylists... But who reallt knows? I may even become a model, which would be awesome. Top model=free clothes! $.$! Well, from what I heard... :)